The location-sharing service

LocatedPet is a location service that enables anyone to share the location of your lost pet.
You'll get a text message and an email with a map.

No hidden fees.

No health or safety risks.

No batteries.
No maintenance.
Not another GPS gadget.
The service that helps lost pets find their way home.
How it works
Watch video to learn more
Subscribe and get LocatedPet Collar tag. Activate the service and provide your email and mobile phone number.

Simply attach a bright scannable tag with QR code to your pet's collar. A distinctive message on the tag reads: "Am I lost? Scan QR code or visit locatedpet.net Thanks!". Make sure your pet always wear it!

If your pet gets lost, anyone who finds it can scan the tag with a mobile phone and share their location.
You'll be texted with a link to a map showing your pet's current location.

Why a collar tag with
imprinted QR code?
Or click here.
Scannable with a mobile phone, no need for special devices.
Enables immediately sharing the location of your lost pet - be it in the street, vet’s ambulance or shelter.
Protects your privacy. No need to make your personal details visible.
No health or safety risks for your pet. No radiation.
Passive tag with no radiation. Harmless to your pet.
No location tracking of the owner. Always protects your privacy.
SIMPLE & convenient
No maintenance, no batteries, no hidden fees.
Works 24-7-365. Globally available.
Hosted on Amazon. Made in Canada.
Get Peace of mind. Order LocatedPet now!
The collar tag scannable with mobile phone. Anyone can share the location of your lost pet instantly. You get a text message and an email with a map.
Always a FREE Tag!
No safety or health risks. Passive tag with no radiation. Harmless to your pet.
Protects your privacy. No location tracking of the owner.
Works globally 24/7/365. Made in Canada, hosted in the USA.
Risk FREE, 30 days to try. 100% money back guarantee.
Simple to use. Works on all devices.
Only $37 per year! Special prices for 2 or more pets.

Keopi is an integral part of our family, and being part of the LocatedPet community gives us peace of mind knowing that we have a simple way of engaging the local neighbourhood in case he wanders off somewhere he's not supposed to. The days of having to put up inefficient lost pet signs are over.

This technology is a brilliant upgrade to the old-fashioned pet ID tag! No need to make your phone number always visible.
I subscribed the service to help my pet to be located and get peace of mind. I can’t imagine to never see my pet again. That would be a disaster for the entire family.

Last time my cat was lost, I suffered for three days. I just want to help somebody to reach me if this happens again. I don’t want to experience this feeling never again.

How do I create my account on LocatedPet?You will be asked to create your user account upon activating the collar tag. So, when you receive collar tag, scan it’s QR code or go to https://locatedpet.net/activate. The first step in the activation process will be creating the user account. To create your user account, you will be asked to enter only basic information – your name, email address (which will be used as your username) and password you wish to use when logging in. Follow the steps and complete the owner's and pet's profile.
Do I need a new user account for each one of my pets?No. All your pets can be registered on one user account. This way, you will have all your pets’ profiles in one place and you will receive notifications about them on the same email/phone number that you have provided among your contact details.
Why should I leave my contact details?It is of great importance that you leave at least one of your contact details – email or phone number. If you leave your contact details empty you won’t receive notification about your pet being found. Equally important is to verify your contact details upon entering them. Only verified email addresses and phone numbers will receive notification!
How do I verify my contact details?When creating your user account, you will be able to enter your contact details. If you specify your email address, you will immediately receive the email asking you to verify it. In case of the phone number verification, you will receive the text message containing the unique code that you’ll need to enter in the provided field. If you don’t verify your phone number while creating the user account, you can always do that later in “My profile” section, which can be found at the top of your account page. Remember, only verified email addresses and phone numbers will receive notification!
How do I deactivate my contact details?If for some reason you don’t wish to receive notifications on your email or mobile, you can deactivate them on “My profile” page. Below the information about your email address/phone number, you will find the deactivation link. Once deactivated, contact details will remain on your profile but you won’t receive any notification on them. If you wish to activate them again, you can do that at the same place where you did the deactivation. Activation implies verification of your email address/phone number.
Who can see my contact details?You can choose whether the pet finder sees your contact details or not. When entering your contact details, you can mark your email address and/or phone number as visible to public. This way the pet finder will see your contact details after he reports that he has found your pet and will be able to contact you directly if he wants.
If my contact details are not public, will I still receive notifications when my pet is found?"Yes. Making your contact details public only gives the pet finder additional way to contact you. Even if your contact details are not public you will still receive all the notifications regarding your pet. Just make sure your contact details are verified, otherwise, you will not receive notifications.
Where can I change my user profile details?If you need to change some of your details (contact details, home address, etc.), you can do that on “My profile” page, which can be found at the top of your account page, in the collapsing menu. Have in mind that if you change your contact details, you will need to verify them again to be able to receive notifications.
How can I order collar tag?You can order collar tag by visiting Order page.You can order as many tags as you like. Each pet should have its own tag and wear it all the time! Don’t let your pet become part of the lost pets’ sad statistics.
I have received collar tag. How do I activate it?Activation process begins with scanning QR code or by visiting activation page where you enter the ID presented on the tag. In the following step, you will be asked to create the user account or log in if you already have the account. When creating the account, you will be able to add your contact details and verify your email address and phone number. The critical step is creating your pet’s profile, which includes adding your pet’s picture, name, breed, license number (optional) and any additional information you think might be useful to the pet finder. The final step includes paying the subscription fee. After this, your pet’s tag will be activated, and you can put it on the collar.
My pet has more than one collar and I want to have tags on all of them. Can I order more tags and link them to one pet?The LocatedPet works according to the principle one pet – one collar tag, but that doesn’t prevent you from creating more than one profile for the same pet. For example, you can create three profiles for one pet, with the same information, and link each profile to specific collar tags. This way, no matter which collar your pet wears its profile will be visible to a finder. Bear in mind that each pet profile implies separate subscription fee, but you can count on our discount for multiple pet profiles.
How do I set my pet’s profile?If you are a new user, creating your pet’s profile begins with the activation of collar tag and creating the user account. For more information on how to do this, see I have received collar tag. How do I activate it? If you already have the user account you can scan collar tag and then login to your account or go to Login. After you log in, select “Add pet” and you will get the form in which you enter your pet’s information – picture, name, breed, license number (optional) and any additional information you think might be useful to the pet finder.
Where can I change information about my pet?To edit information about your pet, got to pet’s profile and select edit button (pencil icon) and change all the details you need. All the changes are free of charge.
How can I delete my pets profile?When you go to your pet’s profile you will find the delete button (recycle bin icon) which allows you to delete the pet’s profile. Deleting your pet’s profile means that all the information about the pet will be erased and the tag linked to it will be deactivated!