Our mission is to help people be human by assisting lost pets in reuniting with their families.
We are pet lovers and pet owners. We have dedicated our lives to finding the solution for reuniting lost pets and their families.
LocatedPet is the service owned and operated by Keeprop Software Inc. We are located in beautiful West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Our mission is to help people be human by assisting lost pets in reuniting with their families.
Our goal was to make the solution that will help pets in need using simple, everyday technology. Furthermore, we have decided to make it without compromising the privacy of the owner or health and safety of the pet.
We use technology with great caution, with respect to the safety of both pets and humans. Although our service is simple to use and easy to adopt, it is built on strong foundations.
We don’t make compromises related to the security of data, privacy and safety of any kind.
The mission we are trying to accomplish is above any other mission that we have had so far in our business and private lives.
Spread the word about us and help us grow the community!
And finally, when you see a pet in the street that looks lost, take some time and help it find the way home. Somebody is desperately looking for it!